"Chickenpox or chicken pox is a highly contagious illness caused by primary infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV). It usually starts with vesicular skin rash mainly on the body and head rather than at the periphery and becomes itchy, raw pockmarks, which mostly heal without scarring."
simptom awal:
- rs nk demam
- ade bintik2 merah berair kt bwh kulit
saket wooooo kne cikenpox ni..mule2 mmg xde rase ape2 kt bintik tu..ble bintik dia da makin besar gatai nauuu..nk garu, takut pecah pulak..kang berparut pulak..mak aku ckp kecik2 dlu da kene..tp nape ntah ni leh kene lagi..antibody x kuat kot..adehlaaaa..da la jauh dr family (nanges woo!!)..
mak aku cite ms kne ciken pox kcik2 dlu aku simpan mknan bwh katil sbb taleh nk mengunyah..dlm mulut pn ade..wakakaka!! kesian oke~ story ni aku sendri pn x ingt..yelah da ms kecik asyik saket je kejenye..dugaan..sabo jelah yeee..
da nm pn kne cikenpox harusla taleh kuar umah kan..so dokter pn bg cuti smggu..
"awak takleh balek um yee..nnt merebak 1 um"
HAHAHAHAHA..agak2 la pacek dokter..xkn la smpai 1 um nk merebak nye..tp pkir2 balek bek rehat je dlu kt kg..kne pntang mkn mcm2 ni..
- seafood
- telur
- mknan yg menggatalkan
- mknan bergoreng
- jagung
(ni sume taleh makan..huwaaaa!!! -_-)
menu2 yg bakal ade this week = nestum, bubur, sup ayam, sup sayur
hopefully cepat recover dr cikenpox ni..
p/s: cik timah..ko la bwk virus ni..huhu ;p
tu la..banyak sgt makan ayam..kan dah kena..hihi..semoga cepat sembuh..=)
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